OCIMF issues guidance paper on controlling VOC emissions


(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) has issued a new information paper on volatile organic compound emissions from cargo systems on oil tankers.

Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are organic chemicals containing carbon atoms that easily vaporise at normal conditions and enter into the atmosphere.

OCIMF’s information paper presents the technologies and methods that are currently available for controlling or treating VOC emissions from oil tankers during loading and vessel transit.

Regulation 15.6 of the revised Annex VI regulation requires a tanker carrying crude oil to have on board and implement a VOC management plan approved by the flag administration in accordance with IMO resolution MEPC.185(59) Guidelines for the Development of a VOC Management Plan.

The aim of the VOC management plan is to identify the arrangements and equipment required to enable compliance and to identify for the ship’s officers the operational procedures for VOC emission control.

The VOC management plan is specific to each ship, although in the case of the AET Aframax shuttle tankers, VOC will form part of the fuel.

The OCIMF information paper includes information on regulations, equipment, safety concerns, training and other design and installation considerations that will help operators better understand the technologies and methods available for controlling these emissions.

Click on below image to download the OCIMF VOC guide:



Source: OCIMF



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