EMSA prel. annual overview of marine casualties and incidents 2014-2020


(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Based on casualties reported by the national accident investigation bodies of the EU, the total number of casualties in 2020 has reduced 18% in comparison with 2019. Such positive result should be considered within the context of the on-going Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has been impacting the intensity of global shipping.

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The most positive results were found in the number of lives lost (reduction of 48% in 2020 compared to the year 2019) and the number of injured persons (drop of 36%).

Between 2019 and 2020, figures indicate a reduction of occurrences for almost all ship types, with a greater reduction for cargo ships (15%) and passenger ships (44%).

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However, the number of fishing vessels involved in marine accidents remained at a similar level in 2020, as fishing activity was likely much less impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Navigational events (collisions, groundings and contacts) represented the biggest part of casualties with a ship (43%). A reduction of 15% of casualties with a ship was noted.

Accident to persons represented 37% of all marine casualties. In comparison with 2019, a drop of 28% was noted.

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In 2020, 7 vessels were lost, 5 of them being fishing vessels.

The number of pollutions resulting from marine casualties continued decreasing in 2020.

Since 2014, an overall reduction of 68% was noted.

Accident Investigation bodies of the European Union have launched 923 investigations during the past 6 years, among them 757 were concluded. 74 investigations were initiated
in 2020. The overall number of investigations led to 2011 safety recommendations and actions taken, targeting mainly Ship Related Procedures / Operations and Human Factors /
Training, skills and experience.

For more details, you can download the full report by clicking below:

Source: EMSA


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