Mediterranean Maritime Forum to take place next month in Limassol


( In less than a month the maritime community from all parts of the world and especially from the Mediterranean region will gather to an exclusive event in Limassol, Cyprus. June 14th and 15th are the dates of the highly anticipated Mediterranean Maritime Forum.

The two-day event will gather maritime experts from across the value chain. Shipowners, ship managers, shipbuilders, ports, classification societies, regulators, government bodies, technology companies and service providers are all going to be there.

Among multiple individual presentations that will give deep insights into specific topics there will be seven panel discussions:

  • Going to zero: best practices and biggest obstacles of decarbonization
  • Focus on seafarers: ensuring the safety and well-being of the crew
  • Cleaner fuels for a greener future: What is needed to accelerate the transition to a sustainable maritime transportation sector?
  • Focus on Ports: green projects, implementation of regulations and the future
  • Digitalisation in the maritime industry
  • AI and other advanced technology in the maritime industry: route optimization, autonomous navigation, predictive maintenance, cyber security
  • CII and other carbon regulations: short term and long-term impact

With an outstanding group of speakers and a huge number of maritime experts in the audience to comment on the discussions and presentations, we can surely expect heated debates as different perspectives on relevant issues may collide.

The Mediterranean Maritime Forum will also serve as an effective networking platform. Having so many experts in one place is definitely a perfect environment to extend your network, find new suppliers or enter new partnerships.

At the end of the first day there will be an exceptional cocktail party – a networking event in a less formal atmosphere. Another highlight of the event – Mediterranean Maritime Forum’s Awards Ceremony where the most deserving companies in various segments will be honored.

So if you haven’t booked already – click the link below and join one of the most interesting events in the region.

Official website: 

Dates: June 14th – 15th
Location: Grand Resort Cyprus, Limassol.
Organizer: IGGS Group





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