USCG Journal of Safety and Security at Sea - Spring 2018 issue


( The Spring 2018 edition of the "Proceedings", the US Coast Guard Journal of Safety & Security at Sea has been posted. The focus of this edition is Marine Protected Areas.

Proceedings of the Marine Safety & Security Council, the Coast Guard Journal of Safety at Sea, is the voice of the Coast Guard’s Marine Safety and Security Council. It began publication in 1944 and, over the decades, has reached an increasing level of recognition among the larger maritime industry and Coast Guard personnel. Currently, over 30,000 copies of Proceedings are mailed out each issue.

Proceedings’ audience includes a large segment of the private maritime industry population, including retired officers, fishing vessel captains, river pilots, ocean scientists, marine engineers, tug/tow boat operators, shipping executives, insurance operators, and maritime lawyers. Other subscribers include U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy personnel, mariners, reservists, Departments of Homeland Security and Transportation staff, and allied foreign national readers.

The U.S. Coast Guard publishes Proceedings three times a year. Each edition of Proceedings-typically 80 to 100 pages-features a specific theme and is championed by a Coast Guard office, assigned based on the command’s expertise in that area. Recent themes have included: The 21st Century Maritime Workforce; Recreational Boating Safety; Waterways: America's Economic Engine; Safety Management Systems; and Improving Maritime Safety.

CONTENTS of this issue:

Marine Protected Areas :

6 Paper Parks, Paper Tigers, and Paper Trails: Marine protected area designation and enforcement
by Steven Tucker

14 Guardians of the Sea: Protecting the oceans together
by Emma Skelley and Jennifer Damian

18 Marine Protected Area Networks: Tools to promote resilience of Arctic marine ecosystems
by Lisa Speer, Lauren Wenzel, Elizabeth McLanahan, Laura Strickler, and Martin Sommerkorn

25 The Future of Marine Protected Areas in the Northern Latitudes: Marine protection in a changing Arctic
by LCDR Courtney Sergent

30 Expanding the Reach of the Monitor National Marine Sanctuary: Protecting more wrecks and increasing public awareness
by CDR Kevin Saunders, LCDR Elizabeth Buendia, and LCDR Patricia Bennett

Applications and Tools:

34 Collaboration, Creativity, Compromise, and Conclusion: U.S. Coast Guard modifies the Port of Miami anchorage area
by Paul D. Lehmann

40 Detecting Illegal Fishing Activity with Acoustic Technology: Passive acoustic methods help USCG fight illegal fishing
by Hady Salloum, Ph.D., Alexander Sutin, Ph.D., and Alexander Pollara, Ph.D.

45 How To Improve Your “Climate-Smart IQ” Using the Adaptation Design Tool
by David A. Gibbs, Jordan M. West, Ph.D., and Britt A. Parker

Economics, Policy, and Law:

50 Fathoms Deep in Salt Water: The wealth of ocean parks
by Elizabeth Moore

54 Rethinking MARPOL Enforcement
by CDR John T. Dewey

58 Reducing Noise from Large Commercial Ships: Progress and partnerships
by Brandon L. Southall, Ph.D., Leila Hatch, Ph.D., Amy Scholik-Schlomer, Ph.D., Trisha Bergmann, Ph.D., Michael Jasny, Kathy Metcalf, Lindy Weilgart, Ph.D., Andrew J. Wright, Ph.D., and M.E. Perera

66 Strengthening Environmental Rule-of-Law to Reinforce Marine Protected Area Stewardship
by Xiao Recio-Blanco

72 Operation Kohola Guardian, 2017: Maui, Hawaii
by Steven Tucker

73 A History of the New England Marine Resources Trinity: Fisheries, sanctuaries, and monuments
by CDR Eric Johnson

Living Marine Resources:

77 SeaSketch for Safe Passage: Collaborative mapping helps conflicting marine interests work toward shared goals
by Grace Goldberg, Sean Hastings, and Will McClintock, Ph.D.

82 Living With Orcas: Protecting a vital resource—Puget Sound southern resident killer whales
by Brian Corrigan

88 (Plat)Forms That Function: The Rigs to Reef program in the Gulf of Mexico
by LCDR Jason A. Hopkins and Ron Wooten

94 Saving the Islands: The USCG’s role in rescuing the Marshall Islands
by CDR Kevin Saunders and LT Tanner Stiehl

98 From Oral Histories to Fishing Regulations: Defining the importance of the Marianas National Monument to indigenous fishers
by Dawn M. Kotowicz, Ph.D., and Christopher Condit, M.S.

102 Under the Ice: Protecting and managing untouched stocks in the central Arctic Ocean
by LT Jessica Conway

107 Life on the Rocks: Steller sea lions feel the impact of increased North Pacific Ocean activity
by LT Rebecca Rebar

On Deck:

4 Assistant Commandant’s Perspective
by Rear Admiral Anthony J. Vogt

4 Champion’s Point of View
by CAPT Jay Caputo

110 Chemical of the Quarter: Understanding Seed Cake
by LT Andrew Murphy

Nautical Queries:

111 Engineering

113 Deck

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Source: USCG

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