Cyprus Flag Administration updates list of approved Private Ship Security Contractors (PSSC) 15 Feb 2019


( The Cyprus DMS has published an updated list of approved private ship security contractors in accordance with Section 84 of the Protection of Cyprus Ships Against Acts of Piracy and Other Unlawful Acts Law 2012.

The updated list of contractors certified under Section 22(1) of the law is available on the department’s website. The contractors included are authorised to provide Cyprus flagged-ships with the security services specified in the law, provided that the ship’s operator holds the necessary authorization from the department. Operators of ships intending to use the services of a private security contractor are advised to consult the online list prior to concluding any agreement, as the department will not authorize the employment of any contractor that is not on its list.

Click on below image to download latest list (2 pages).

Source: Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Shipping

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