Cyprus Flag Administration - CoronaVirus affecting Surveys, Audits, Inspections and Crew certification


( In an effort to support shipping companies and owners of Cyprus ships and to enable them to address the difficulties encountered due to the coronavirus outbreak, the Cyprus Flag Administration has issued a new Circular and put in place special arrangements for its smooth operation and the effective provision of services to its clients and collaborators.

The purpose of this Circular is to provide guidance, to assist Shipowners, Operators, Masters and Recognized Organizations that may be experiencing difficulty in conducting operations, due to the COVID-19. These difficulties include restricted access to shipyards and ports for inspectors, auditors, surveyors and crews, which could result in delays in conducting statutory surveys, audits, inspections, crew changes, etc., to maintain validity of certificates and compliance with regulations.

In addition, in response to these unprecedented and continuously changing conditions, as well as the need for continuous updates and information arising from this force majeure situation, the Cyprus Flag Administration has prepared a dedicated section in its website where all related information and circulars issued by the SDM, Cyprus, the EU and the IMO regarding Covid-19 can be found: HERE

Click on below image to download the Cyprus circular 08/2020:

Source: Cyprus Deputy Ministry of Shipping

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