Medical evacuation of Seafarer without documents. It’s possible


( A Ukrainian seafarer was disembarked and hospitalized in Gibraltar due to the heart problems. The P&I Insurer requested GVA to organize his medical repatriation back home.

However due to the current COVID-19 restrictions Gibraltar, the British enclave at the territory of Spain, maintains direct air traffic only with the United Kingdom. Great Britain was under lockdown and there were no any appropriate connections that could allow to reach the seafarer’s home. Moreover, a transfer via the UK would have required obtaining the British visa for the seafarer as change of airports at the connection in the UK was necessary in order to get back to Ukraine. Travelling via Europe was hardly possible as well since the seafarer had no Schengen visa, neither a biometric Ukrainian passport.

The situation was challenging. The seafarer had to back home but there were no any available options. On top of that, an unnecessary stay in the hospital would have led to unreasonable expenses. Therefore, the GVA 24h Alarm Center in Ukraine worked on every possible alternative to find the best solution. It took hours of professional communication GVA with diplomatic sources from all the parties involved into the process in order to set up a smooth medical transportation.

By this time, the GVA ICU Nurse arrived to Gibraltar main hospital and the seafarer was successfully transported with the medical escort to Mariupol in Ukraine, the city of the seafarer’s residence where he was admitted to the local hospital for further treatment.

Please feel free to address your questions to GVA - Global Voyager Assistance

For similar extraordinary medical evacuation case, click HERE

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