Day of the Seafarer 2022 - Your voyage - then and now, share your journey


( #SeafarerJourney is the new hashtag for the 2022 campaign.

In 2010, the International Maritime Organization (IMO), decided to designate June 25th as the International Day of the Seafarer as a way to recognize that almost everything that we use in our daily lives has been directly or indirectly affected by sea transport.

The purpose of the day is to give thanks to seafarers for their contribution to the world economy and the civil society; and for the risks and personal costs they bear while on their jobs.

It is the day for seafarers of all stripes, from Coast Guards, to Navies, to every fisherman and marine biologist and cruise ship captain. If your job involves a large quantity of salt water, then this day is dedicated to you. The first documented sea voyage was made around 3200 BCE, and was bankrolled by the Egyptian Pharaoh Snefru (he also built at least three pyramids during his reign). Today, over 90% of global trade is done by sea, since it is still the most cost-effective way to transport goods. Marine biologists and oceanographers from every country have dedicated their lives to learning more about the ocean depths, and humans from every walk of life keep going to the sea to explore the planet.

2022 campaign - Your voyage - then and now, share your journey

Every seafarer’s journey is different, but they all face similar challenges. For 2022, the campaign of the Day of the Seafarers, with the theme 'Your voyage - then and now, share your journey’, look at seafarer voyages, what it includes and how has it evolved over time and what remains at the heart of seafarers’ reality.

This campaign gives seafarers a chance to share what resonates with them currently, whether it's the crew change crisis being unresolved or the future of technology.

Message from IMO Secretary-General 




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