Safety Guidance for Risk-based stowage of dangerous goods on containerships

Safety Guidance for Risk-based stowage of dangerous goods on containerships

( Container ship fires are a growing concern. Fires, originating from dangerous goods in containers, whether wrongfully declared or not, occur with alarming frequency. Such fires endanger the lives of the crew, harm the environment and cause damage to cargo and property.

The Cargo Incident Notification System (CINS) has published a new safety guidance for the stowage of classified dangerous goods onboard containerships. The “Safety Considerations for Ship Operators Related to Risk-Based Stowage of Dangerous Goods on Containerships” represents the first in a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing safety onboard containerships.

Container carriers

According to the Guidance, it is recognized that all cargo-related incidents resulting in fire and explosions are rooted in cargo problems. Investigations, litigation and inspections demonstrate various deficiencies relating to cargo presented for shipment including:

  • Erroneous classification and declaration.
  • Packing, segregation and securing not complying with IMDG or not following the CTU Code2.
  • Packaging not complying with IMDG.

Presentation for shipment of cargoes that are not compliant with national and international regulations results in unacceptable risks to all stakeholders involved in the movement of goods.

The Guidance has been prepared by a work group comprising CINS shipping line members, together with representatives of classification societies and insurance organisations. It provides a risk-based dangerous goods stowage strategy, applying to all sizes of containerships and is intended to be used by ship operators, cargo carriers, and port personnel.

Click on below image to download full guidance document:

Source: CINS

For more resources related to containers and containerships safety, click HERE


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