Maritime Compliance: Use Of Engine Power Limitation (EPL) / SHaPoLi Power Reserve


( To meet EEXI requirements, many ships have applied EPL or SHaPoLi as an overridable power limitation. In this case, the available power may be insufficient and overriding the power limitation may be necessary, which requires reporting and follow-up. This statutory news aims to inform on the release and use of power reserve.

These are some important aspects on the use of power reserve when Engine Power Limitation (EPL) or Shaft Power Limitation (SHaPoLi) is applied to reduce power:

OMM – Onboard Management Manual for EPL/SHaPoLi

Ships that have opted for an EPL or SHaPoLi solution to comply with EEXI will, in addition to the EEXI Technical File covering the EEXI calculation, also have an approved OMM. This includes a technical description of the EPL/SHaPoLi installation, the process for release of power reserve and for reactivation of power limitation, recording and reporting requirements, etc.

Use of power reserve (releasing, reactivating, recording and reporting)

Use of power reserve by unlimiting the engine or shaft power limitation is only allowed if the purpose is to secure the safety of the ship or to save life at sea, consistent with Regulation 3.1 of MARPOL Annex VI, subject to the judgment of the Master or the Officer in charge.

Once the power reserve has been used, this shall be recorded in the record page of the OMM, including position/time when used, reason for using the power reserve and position/time of reactivation of power limitation (see below for the complete list).

OMM (Onboard Management Manual for EPL/SHaPoLi), Record page:

      1. Ship type
      2. IMO number
      3. Ship size in DWT and/or GT, as applicable
      4. Ship’s limited shaft/engine power and ship’s maximum unlimited shaft/engine power
      5. Position of the ship and time stamp when power reserve was used
      6. Reason for using power reserve
      7. Beaufort number and wave height or ice condition in case of using power reserve under adverse weather conditions
      8. Supporting evidence (e.g., expected weather condition) in case of using power reserve for avoidance action
      9. Records from the SHaPoLi/EPL system for the electronically controlled engine during the use of power reserve
      10. Position of the ship and time stamp when the power limit was reactivated or replaced

Information on the use of the power reserve shall then be reported without delay to the flag administration/RO (Recognized Organization) and the port of destination. The flag administration will report all cases of use of power reserve to the IMO on an annual basis.

In case the engine/shaft power limitation override is activated but the power reserve is not subsequently used, it is sufficient to record the event in the bridge and engine room logbooks without reporting the event to the flag administration/RO. The engine room logbook should then record the power used during the period when the override was activated, together with details on the reactivation of power limitation.

Finally, immediately after the risk has been mitigated, power limitation shall be reactivated and the ship operated within the limited power again as per the OMM. The reactivation shall then be confirmed with supporting evidence by the flag administration/RO based on the OMM procedure.

The following table summarizes the cases explained above, on logging, reporting and reactivation:

(RO) – reporting and reactivation

The RO responsible for issuing the International Energy Efficiency Certificate, an occasional survey can be requested to enable reporting and/or reactivation. In case power reserve has been used and/or reactivated, Managers can create a survey request for a “Shaft/Engine power limitation reactivation survey” (remote if possible). The report and supporting evidence of reactivation can then be uploaded in the survey request and the reactivation will be confirmed and documented as per the OMM.


Without delay, Owners/Managers are advised to report the use of power reserve in cases of emergency. Failing to do so might result in findings during port state controls. Furthermore, operators are reminded to log all events on releasing power reserve as required, even when the power reserve was not used.


MEPC.335: 2021 Guidelines on the shaft/engine power limitation system to comply with the EEXI requirements and use of a power reserve

Source: DNV





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