Maritime Safety: Tugs and Tows - Shipping industry Practical Safety and Operational Guide


( The work that tugs and tow boats carry out is inherently risky. However, the risks can be managed and reduced with proper care and good practice.

This book is aimed at small tugs and work boats involved in towing and work boat operations which may not be required to be fully regulated. These tugs may legitimately
be less regulated, because of size, jurisdiction or operating area. The risks in their operations are similar to and in many cases exceed those of the more internationally regulated tugs.

Most tug and barge safety regulations focus on hardware and yet experience shows that a good safety record depends upon the safety culture of the entire company. The hardware issues are important, including the proper maintenance and inspection of equipment, but managing the human factor successfully would also lessen the number of accidents.

This guide is drawn from the accumulation of experience within the Club and from industry
sources including IMO MSC/Circ 884 (Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towage). It highlights good towing practices and illustrates learning points from reported incidents. It is general in nature and is not intended to replace regulatory requirements, specific company procedures and guidelines, or what is learnt from simulator training and is intended to
assist crews to perform a safe towing operation.

Click below to download the Shipping Industry Practical Safety and Operational Guide for Tugs and Tows, produced by the Shipowner's Club:




View more Maritime Guides HERE 



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