Reporting formalities for ships calling at Cyprus ports


The Department of Merchant Shipping has reissued its guidance to owners and operators of Cyprus-flagged ships and ships calling at ports in Cyprus regarding reporting procedures under the EU Reporting Formalities Directive (2010/65/EC) and the Reporting Formalities for Ships Arriving or Departing from Ports of the Republic Law of 2012, which transposed the directive into domestic law.

Ships calling at Cyprus ports must provide the following pre-arrival notifications via SafeSeaNet, the European Maritime Safety Agency's data exchange portal:

  • notification prior to entry into the ports of EU member states under Article 6 of the Merchant Shipping (Community Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System) Laws of 2004 to 2012;
  • notification of dangerous or polluting goods carried on board under Article 15 of the Merchant Shipping (Community Vessel Traffic Monitoring and Information System) Laws of 2004 to 2012;
  • notification of waste and residues under the Port Reception Facilities for Ship-generated Waste and Cargo Residues Regulations 2003;
  • notification of security information under Article of 6 of EU Regulation (725/2004); and
  • notification 72 hours before arrival of the actual time of arrival and estimated time of departure under Articles 12 and 25 of the Merchant Shipping (Port State Control) Laws of 2011-2015.

Further, 24 hours before the expected time of the vessel's arrival at a port or anchorage in Cyprus (or immediately on departure from a foreign port if the duration of the voyage is less than 24 hours) the operator, master or agent of a ship must provide the Cyprus Ports Authority with the prescribed summary security information and information regarding waste and residues. On request additional information must be provided regarding:

  • waste and residues in accordance with Annex II of the EU Directive on Port Reception Facilities for Ship-Generated Waste and Cargo Residues (2000/59/EC) as amended; and
  • security under the existing ship security pre-arrival form.

Source: Costas Stamatiou at Andreas Neocleous & Co LLC


Source: Cyprus Department of Merchant ShippingCyprus DMS logo


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