(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) While the IMDG and other Codes & Regulations have detailed requirements and recommendations on the carriage of Ammonium Nitrate (AN), the prevention and mitigation controls of a disastrous fire on board a vessel loaded with Ammonium Nitrate may not always be fully explained and/or understood.
The same applies for Ammonium Nitrate in Port areas. This practical guide primarily focuses on the carriage of bagged Ammonium Nitrate on board ships and the associated Fire Risks both on board a ship as well as in Port Areas handling (loading & discharging) this cargo. Other aspects of safety such as stowage and compliance are not included in the scope of this guide. The objective of this guide is to outline the practice with respect to fire risks, on the requirements for vessels chartered to ship Ammonium Nitrate in break bulk through ports around the world.
Key aspects of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code1, as well as national regulatory frameworks such as those enforced by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority2 (AMSA) and South African Maritime Safety Authority3, (SAMSA) as well as industry good practices have been considered. However, the document should not in any way be considered exhaustive or all-inclusive and it is recommended that due diligence is applied to seek detailed knowledge of the various Codes and Regulations governing the carriage of Ammonium Nitrate.
You can download the guide "AMMONIUM NITRATE FIRE RISK ON BOARD SHIPS" by clicking below:
Source: ICHCA International
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