Maritime Loss prevention: Bulk cargo checklists - Grain, Coal, Nickel Ore


( This article is aimed at helping masters, ships' cargo officers, shore superintendents and chartering managers understand the requirements of hold preparation before loading bulk cargoes. Such awareness will assist in preventing claims for cargo loss, cargo contamination, additional survey costs, delay to ships, and in preventing disputes over offhire and charterparty issues.

Preparation of a cargo hold is not just a question of sweeping, cleaning or washing down the hold. There are a number of matters to consider, and failing to adhere to good practice can result in substantial claims. A lack of knowledge, often originating in chartering or commercial departments, can also be the underlying cause of major claims.

North has produced new checklists that provide simple and sensible guidance for crew to care for cargo.

From preloading preparations through to discharge, the Cargo Care Checklist series covers a range of cargoes. These checklists can be used as a useful reminder for ships’ crews, regardless of experience.

Designed to supplement carriage instructions and statutory requirements, the checklists encompass best practice and target the areas which often result in claims. It also assists the crew in ensuring that they gather the required evidence at all stages of the operations and voyage in case of future disputes.

The current list of cargo care checklists available are:

Click the image to download checklist

Click the image to download checklist

Click the image to download checklist


Source: NEPIA


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