Epsco appointed as representative of Sonihull Ultrasonic Anti Fouling


(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Epsco Group is thrilled to announce their representation of Sonihull Ultrasonic Anti-Fouling Systems.

Sonihull’s mission is to deliver environmentally safe, cost-effective antifouling wherever unwanted bio-fouling persists.

Ultrasonic Antifouling offers significant fuel savings and reduced CO2 Emissions to shipowners whilst at the same time, protecting the environment.

Their vision is:

  • To make dosing the oceans with poisonous biocides and microplastics a thing of the past
  • To deliver effective antifouling systems using the power of ultrasound
  • To save the oceans, one ship at a time

Sonihull offer sustainable, quality products, that can significantly reduce biofouling on vessel hulls, cooling systems, niche areas and propellers, making ships more efficient and thereby reducing their C02 Emissions.

 Sonihull was recently awarded the King’s Enterprise Award for Enterprise in the UK.


For more information, please contact: safety-service@epscocy.com





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