IACS elects Roberto Cazzulo of RINA as the new chairman

Roberto Cazzulo - RINA

(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) The IACS Council met in Gdansk, Poland this week for its 87th session (C87) where decarbonisation was high on the agenda. Council welcomed the recent decision by IMO to adopt a new output to develop a framework for the safe decarbonisation of shipping, the result of a two-year effort by IACS to ensure that critical safety concerns were not overlooked in the collective drive to lower carbon emissions as far and as quickly as possible. In support of the work at IMO, C87 also noted the rapid progress being made by the Safe Decarbonisation Panel with regards to alternative fuels and new technologies along with the provision of expert input to a wide range of industry and regulatory forums addressing CO2 reduction measures.

C87 further agreed to sign a Letter of Intent with the Singapore MPA to work with them to accelerate the safe and practical implementation of low or zero-carbon technologies, through increased collaboration and information sharing.
Recognising the power of digitalisation to support and drive decarbonisation, C87 also committed to optimising its various working groups engaged in the digital transformation of the industry to ensure IACS plays its full role in supporting the industry on this journey.

Quality matters featured heavily in discussions with C87 welcoming the fact that all Members had successfully met their triennial assessment to ensure that they have remained in constant compliance with IACS membersthe IACS Membership criteria. Also on Quality matters, Council welcomed that each member has had its quality performance endorsed by IQARB and emphasised its commitment to the strengthening of IQARB and to seeing it established as a permanent entity with appropriate secretariat support.

C87 recognised the potentially significant impact the EU’s Maritime Safety Package could have on their work as Recognised Organisations and committed to working constructively with the Commission on its development. Also in an EU context, C87 also reviewed IACS’ ongoing contributions to EU environmental legislation stemming from the ‘Fit for 55 package’ and particularly around the inclusion of shipping in the EU ETS and the Fuel-EU Maritime Regulation.

Finally, and to ensure continuity in its extensive work programme and engagement with industry, C87 elected Mr. Roberto Cazzulo of RINA as the incoming Chair of IACS as from 1 Jan 2024.

Speaking at the end of C87 IACS Chair, Nick Brown of Lloyd’s Register, stated “IACS significant contributions to safe decarbonisation, both in terms of keeping safety at the forefront of IMO discussions and through the substantive technical contributions it is making to support the introduction of alternative fuels and technologies, demonstrate the value that a non-commercial, impartial association brings to this debate.” He went on to congratulate Roberto on his election and looked forward to a smooth handover over the next six months.

Responding, Mr. Cazzulo said “It is an honour for me to be elected and I look forward to building on the excellent work done by Nick Brown in ensuring IACS is well positioned to meet the environmental and technological challenges faced by shipping.



Source: IACS





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