Paris MoU releases Annual Report on Port State Control for 2022 and White, Grey, Black Lists


( The Paris MoU has published its 2022 Annual Report. This report provides an overview of the activities and statistics of the Paris MoU in 2022, which was again different from regular years due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the highlights of the report are set out in this press release.

During 2022, the efforts of the Paris MoU with regard to ship inspections have normalised compared to the two previous years. Inspections could be carried out again at a level that is customary for the Paris MoU.

COVID-19 no longer imposed restrictions on the efforts. However, the information on inspection results from 2022 was difficult to compare with the two previous years because of the different circumstances regarding numbers of inspections and deficiencies. In some cases, it has therefore been decided to use the pre-COVID year 2019 as the reference year instead of 2021.

In 2022, 10 Refusal of Access Orders (bans) were issued. This is a significant decrease compared to the 25 bans issued in 2019.

The detention percentage has risen to 4.18% (3.49% in 2021), the highest in 10 years. Consequently, the number of detainable deficiencies has also increased to 4,873 (3,352 in 2021). The number of inspections carried out was 17,289. Comparable to the number of inspections in 2019: 17,916.

In the past three years 21 ships have been banned for multiple detentions, eight ships were banned “failing to call at an indicated repair yard”. In the same period, four ships were banned for a second time.

Over a three-year period the flags of Comoros and the Republic of Moldova have recorded the highest number of bannings.

Looking at the Paris MoU “White, Grey and Black List”, a small shift is noticeable in the quality of shipping, resulting in a smaller “Grey List” and a larger “Black List” compared to 2021. The total number of 39 flags on the “White List” is one less than that of 2021 (40).

The “Grey List” contains 18 flags (21 in 2021); the “Black List” 9 flags (7 in 2021).

The number of inspections has clearly normalised; 17,289.

The detention percentage in 2022 has risen substantially to 4.18% (3.49% in 2021). The highest in 10 years. The number of detainable deficiencies has also increased from 3,352 in 2021 to 4,873 this year.

The five most frequently recorded deficiencies in 2022 were “ISM” (4.8%, 2,248), “fire doors/openings in fire resisting divisions” (2.9%, 1,373), “Seafarers’ Employment Agreement” (1.6%, 765), “cleanliness of engine room” (1.5%, 707) and “auxiliary engine” (1.3%, 600).


For more details, click on the below image to download full report:


Source: Paris MoU

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