Port State Control Focused inspection campaign: Livestock ships

Livestock ships

(www.MaritimeCyprus.com) AMSA has previously conducted focused inspection campaigns based on assessment of port State control statistics. The purpose of this campaign was to determine the level of compliance with maintenance and repair requirements of international conventions and to ensure masters, officers and operators of livestock ships are complying with specific requirements of AMSA Marine Order 43 for ships that hold an Australian Certificate for the Carriage of Livestock (ACCL).

Lockdowns in various states, and restrictions implemented to protect AMSA staff and the Australian public, limited the number of ships that could be inspected during the FIC.  Ships that had visited a foreign port less than 14 days prior to arrival in Australia were not inspected meaning that AMSA inspected 14 out of 26 individual livestock ships that visited Australia during this period.


The three least favourable deficiencies observed were:

  • Three ships had livestock pens that could not be effectively drained of fluids under any expected condition of trim or angle of heel.
  • Two ships did not provide satisfactory non-slip surfaces for livestock.
  • Two ships had not undergone thickness measurement gauging at the last special survey in accordance with Classification Rules.

AMSA found one ship that did not use accurate values for the calculation of ship stability for its voyage. One ship had made changes to structural arrangements onboard that were not sanctioned by the ships flag administration. One ships’ crew were not familiar with the onboard procedures to restore power.

On all ships inspected, AMSA Inspectors observed that:

  • the Master was aware of the weather forecast for the ships intended voyage
  • tanks, void spaces, and pumps were inspected and maintained as required by the vessel’s onboard maintenance program
  • drainage tank/well eductors and pumps were capable of being powered by both the main and secondary source of power
  • the ventilation was operating satisfactorily
  • the ship was maintained after survey in accordance with SOLAS Chapter I, regulation 11
  • watertight doors under the freeboard deck, and their remote indicators, were functioning satisfactorily.

Continued focus

Most ships inspected were compliant with the requirements of Australian Marine Order 43 and the international conventions, however the deficiencies observed during a relatively low number of inspections is of concern to AMSA.

You can download below the results from the AMSA focused inspection campaign on Livestock ships:


Source: AMSA


[Total: 2]